


I am a woman who has spent years healing her own broken heart and integrating a lifetime of trauma.

Now, I am passing my hard-earned wisdom onto you.

Available Now!

In this empowering memoir "Strong and Soulful: Graced by Grief," Denise Olsen shares her transformative journey through the depths of devastating loss to a place of unexpected strength and profound self-discovery. After the heart-shattering loss of her husband, a firefighter in the World Trade Center attacks, Denise was enveloped in a grief so intense, it threatened to consume her. But within this dark chapter of her life, she found a surprising truth: grief, while altering us irrevocably, does not have to be our undoing.

Strong and Soulful: Graced by Grief

 Start Your Journey 

Your grief can be a portal to your BEST SELF.

Together, here’s how we can guide you to your strongest and most soulful self.


After the loss on 9/11 of my husband, Firefighter Jeff Olsen, I created Strong and Soulful, which allowed me to use all the tools I had gathered along my journey to assist others in healing unseen wounds and empowering them to create a life they love living.

Over the past 20 years, my practice has organically evolved into a more precise, integrated path utilizing mindfulness, movement, breathing techniques and lifestyle changes along with ancient teachings, rituals and tools that empower us to rid ourselves of old paradigms and beliefs that have been holding us down while; simultaneously, creating space for dreams that are waiting to be made into reality.

 Soul Deep Blog



Kind Words

  • "Denise was spot-on with things that she noticed and brought things to my attention that I was not even aware of. My experiences with Denise have left me with an increased sense of creativity and focus."


  • "Not only has she proven to be an incredible role model of strength, positivity and courage, she has become a wonderful friend. All I can say is, I've been truly blessed and continue to be amazed by this strong, soulful woman.”


  • "I knew I was feeling stuck and couldn’t understand why. Denise’s read of my chakras opened my eyes to behaviors that were keeping me in the same place. I left my session relaxed, aware, open and armed with a roadmap for healing."


  • "Denise Olsen is an empathetic advocate for all those who are privileged to walk with her on this journey. The world is a better place because Denise Olsen dug deep and did not just survive but thrive."

    Bonnie E. Owens
    Senior Program Director | Tuesday’s Children

  • "Her indomitable spirit and ability to provide hope, healing, and transformative change in individuals is amazing to witness. Her constant curiosity and quest for knowledge has evolved her practice to reflect the needs of the client."

    Dr. Tina Atherall, DSW, LMSW
    CEO PsychArmor Institute

  • "Denise has incorporated all her knowledge, as a Nurse, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, Surviving and Thriving 9/11 Widow and delivers it all with Compassion, Care and a message of Hope.”

    Sara Wingerath, LCSW, CASAC, EMDR